What's this course about?

If you're anything like me, you've probably taken many courses in creativity, art, therapy, shamanism, and spirituality.

You love these kinds of courses. Afterward, you come home, happy and rejuvenated, connected to your wild and creative power. You are as recharged and filled up as your notebook or folder with your own paintings or ideas.

But as soon as everyday life sets in again, you forget what is most important to you - your natural creativity and the self-care it gives you. Your good intentions fade, as you favor your daily duties and habits.

This course holds your hand, and invites you into easy, daily, self-healing creativity, so you are always on your path. Your wild and natural creativity and soulful self-care naturally become part of your everyday life.

This course gives you 24 small inspiring chapters, or "keys," with a beautiful picture, a story, and one or more creative and healing exercises that you can easily do in about 20 minutes or less.

You can follow the course at your own pace and keep it for as long as it exists. You can use it as a set of tarot-, goddess- or angel cards that you consult daily, so you remember what awakens your creativity and gives you healing - even when you are busy.

If you want to, you can connect with a group of like-minded creative self-healers in the webinar series I offer. We meet four times online in a warm and supportive atmosphere to help you integrate the course.

You will receive the dates for the next webinar series when you have registered and started the course. If they do not suit you, you can always join a later video conference.

The keys will be printed as physical cards, the HEAL cards, at the end of 2021.

This is the free mini-version of the course. You get a taste of the full course. If you like the mini-course you are welcome to sign up for the full course here at the school.

Is the course for you?

If creativity is one of the most important things in your life, but you tend to push it aside because you feel insecure or not good enough...or because you have to take care of others, the course is designed for you.

If you have tried everything and are a little tired of trying to heal yourself and solve your problems, by running from therapist to therapist, from healer to healer and from course to course, you have come to the right place. Here you can discover what daily self-healing and creativity, on your own terms, can do for you.

If you have a feeling that the key to your own healing is in yourself, but have not dared to act on it, you have the chance here.

If you feel dried out, flat, broken, and stuck, I would like to remind you daily of the wisdom, and strong self-healing creativity you already have in you!

The HEAL Keys is an inspiring invitation to find your deepest truths, your self-healing power, and your creativity: your own way home. They grew from 7 years of intensive work on myself, and are based on all my experience from 30 years of experience in helping others, and my education, studies, and experience in healing myself from autoimmune disease, fatigue, anxiety, and depression, and creating a creative life.

What exactly do you get?

  • Wisdom from new and ancient approaches to self-healing through your own natural creativity.

  • Guidance and exercises to help you get in touch with your own inner wisdom, your own inner healer.

  • Support and inspiration for finding your self-healing power through beautiful images, stories, nature rituals, creative and creative exercises, and wisdom from around the world.

  • Insights from art therapy, shamanism, and the emerging modern science of the human nervous system.

  • An opportunity to join us in two 2.5 hour group coaching meetings with me. We gather online and do rituals, support each other, and integrate what we have learned.

  • Tailored suggestions on how to find your own path to your healing.

How much time will it take?

You can take the course at your own pace but this is what you get for the days of the course:

  • A beautiful image, created for your inspiration.

  • Words of wisdom from many different cultures selected to inspire you to find your creative path to self-healing.

  • A short story about a woman's steps on the path to finding her creative self-healing power. It's a bit like following a modern-day adventure, day by day.

  • A creative exercise or ritual, to awaken your senses, give you insight and enjoyment and a new experience of yourself and your powers.

If you plan to spend about 20 minutes on the days that you work on the course, you will get a lot out of it.

You can choose to spend less, or you can spend more, but it is not necessary.

So what is the course not?

It's not therapy or treatment! The course is for inspiration and not a substitute for personal therapy or necessary medical treatment.

If you need professional help, I encourage you to go find it now. Feel free to contact me for psychotherapy or a referral.

You also do not get answers to your very specific and individual questions about what steps you should take.

Instead, you get a wealth of inspiration and ideas to contact your own wisdom to find answers in yourself.

Already spending too much time online?

I feel the same way!

Let me put it this way: If you can get out into nature, and also keep up your creativity and self-care without any added support and structure, I think that's great, and you probably do not need the course. I want to take a course from you!

If you still feel called to join, the course requires very little time in front of the screen. You can get away from the screen and into creativity or out into nature much faster than you can when you check the news or get stuck on social media. And once you get creative, the screen might seem less interesting in general.

Finally, I have made the whole online school aesthetically pleasing and simple. It is easy to find your way around without digital noise and 1000 links. Just beautiful images and words. I think you will easily be able to join - and enjoy it.

karin von daler

Hi, I'm Karin!

I have more than 27 years of experience as an expressive arts psychotherapist, psychologist, and healing artist.

I have loved to help other people learn to heal themselves through creativity since I was six years old and set up shop under a chestnut tree in the Frederiksberg Gardens in Copenhagen.

For the past 27 years, I have helped hundreds of people move through their insecurity, stress, shame, anxiety, trauma, depression, chaotic emotions, conflicts, and low self-esteem.

I include body, mind, and spirit in my work because I don’t believe superficial or partial solutions work.

I’m motivated by my desire to help you find a way to a life you feel at home in. I think the world needs what you have to offer when you are being your sensitive, creative self.

I’ve taught courses all over the world and in many cultures. I've had a private practice in Seattle and San Francisco, and for 13 years in Copenhagen and online.

My training includes studies in Denmark, India, and mostly California, where the graduation and licensing requirements and among the world’s toughest when it comes to personal therapy, supervision, and 3000 hours of clinical work with various groups.

I’m always studying natural, holistic healing and European shamanism as well as new neuropsychological research. I combine these tools to meet you with ancient nature-based ways as well as scientific and research-based ones.

When I am not in my practice or here, creating new courses, I love to make art, play my harp, or spend time in nature with friends and family.

Wisdom from around the world

From poetry, art, dance, spiritual and religious texts and world litterature.


About one woman's inspiring journey to self-healing and a creative, embodied life.

Rituals and creative exercises

Designed to help you find your own creative and self-healing power.